
Living with Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue/ME

Some days are better than others, but no day is ever "normal" for me. If normal is pain and fatigue free then I never have a normal day and am so scared that I never will again. I remember times when I worked 60 hours a week as a nurse at a hospital working 12 hour shifts. Now, I call that pain free and full of energy. And.....without the punishment days and days later. Now, if I go outside my "envelope" I pay for it for 3 or more days with severe fatigue. Fatigue really isn't the correct description for what I really's more like complete exhaustion. Sometimes there are weeks that I house bound and sometimes there are weeks that I chair/bed bound. My will to live and quality of life are so suffering at the moment. I wish I could just snap back, but after over 14 years of different levels of experience with these disease processes....I am now sure I won't be snapping back. Can you believe that I have no physician at the moment? I have
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